Details for this torrent 

Dead Space 3
Games > PC
12.28 GB


Mar 13, 2013

The only thing you have to do is:

1Γö¼Γòæ- download de APK file, (this download);

2Γö¼Γòæ- while the game is downloading, grab your Android Phone or Tablet and download 

an app on Play Store called ASTRO, (its free);

3Γö¼Γòæ- after you download the game on the computer and the app (astro) on the 

phone/tablet, plug your Android on the computer, open it, and create a folder and 

name it GAMES, then drag/cut/copy the APK file (game) into that folder;

4Γö¼Γòæ- close everything, unplug everything, grab your Android again and click on the 

ASTRO app, and then click on Local Storage or SD card and search for the folder 

named GAMES, when you find it, click on it, and inside it will be the game, click 

on the game and then will appear something saying "install", click it;

5Γö¼Γòæ- (because is an offline game, you don't need to download anything more 

manually), so after the game is installed, (you can close ASTRO), go to your menu 

and click on the game icon, and when you open it, it will download automatically 

the DATA;

6Γö¼Γòæ- (you need internet connection), it may take some time to download the DATA,  

probably half an hour, (depends on your internet capacity), after the DATA is 

downloaded, the game will start... have fun!